RaceClocker News #11
👋 Hello to our intermittently appearing newsletter with events, updates or other information around our race timing app you may find helpful or entertaining. #happytiming
New 'Two Step' timer
We've redesigned the 'Two Step' timer in RaceClocker. It's now much better suited for races where two timekeepers on separate devices do the race finish timing together. The first timekeeper marks the moment when a finisher passes the line and the second timekeeper matches the order at a later moment with the finishers name, bib number or any other kind of identification.
Real time all the time
A big chunk of our development effort in the past few months went in to the creation of real time bi-directional connections between all RaceClocker devices in a single event. It's based on the same technology that enables people to work simultaneously in a Google document or on a digital whiteboard together. The result is that timing devices, the dashboard and live results are instantly updating each other on any timing action. This is super useful for when you have multiple timekeepers at the same timing point and it also makes live results truly 'live' as they update and sort immediately when a new time stamp is made.
And some more new features...
Below just a few examples of some more recent new features and capabilities. We’re improving and expanding RaceClocker every day and most of the product development is based on our customers feedback and requests. So, keep them coming…
Fire brigade stair run Osthofen
We're happy to look back on yet another year of solid growth of our platform and see more and more people appreciate how do-it-yourself timing with a focus on ease-of-use can take the stress out of race timing. We wish you all a great 2023 and like to thank you all for your trust and support!